We strongly encourage you to keep your contact information current. This helps us to get your items back to you in case you were to lose them. Simply start by logging in to your ReturnMe Account where you'll enter your username and password.
If you don't remember your password, click on the link at the bottom where an e-mail will be sent to you along with your new temporary password. If you do not receive this e-mail, please visit the following ReturnMe FAQ question: I didn't receive the e-mail you sent me!
Once you've logged in, click on "My Account"
Once there, you will be able to edit all of your account information to make sure that we're able to reach you in case you lose your items!
You can also add a secondary phone number and a secondary e-mail as well as a preferred time of contact only to be used by ReturnMe in case we need to contact you regarding a found item.
Once you've entered all your information, click on "Update" and you're all set to go!